ATPL/H Theory
ATPL/H VFR/IFR – Modular theory course for the airline transport pilot license for helicopter
Basic information for holders of a PPL/H
The theoretical ATPL/H course is a substitute for the CPL/H theory course while conducting training to become a commercial pilot. It’s more time intensive and covers a larger spectrum. The theory course is the basic to reach the highest license that exists – the Airline Transport Pilot license for helicopter.
The course can be started after obtaining the Private Pilot license. You can choose between two different types: either under visual flight rules or together with instrument flying privileges (VFR/IFR).
When choosing the ATPL/H (IFR), the theory block for the instrument rating is included in the course. The practical part of ATPL/H and CPL/H is identical.
After completion of the ATPL/H theory course and successful completion of all exams at Austro Control, you continue following the CPL/H curriculum.
Basic information for holders of a CPL/H
For holders of a Commercial Pilot license, the ATPL/H training consists only of the theory course. After completion of the necessary subjects, you will get “ATPL/H Theory” added to your existing license. If you meet the practical requirements for issuance of an ATPL/H, Austro Control will issue the license.
To start training to become an Airline Transport Pilot, the following criteria has to be met:
- Minimum age for ATPL/H issuance: 21 years
- Minimum age for license issuance: 18 years
- Positive medical Fitness: Medical Class 1
> Link to medical laws about Medicals Fitness test
> List of AMC’s (Aero Medical Centers) for Medical Fitness test - Valid Austrian PPL/H or CPL/H or valid PPL/H or CPL/H of an ICAO member country
- Knowledge in Mathematics and Physics*
- English Knowledge min. level 4
*For students, that don’t meet the required knowledge in Mathematics and Physics, a course covering the necessary knowledge for the CPL/H training, is being held:
- Mathematics: Trigonometry (Sinus, Cosinus), Calculations of plane and volume, Conversion of Units
- Mechanics: Force, Torque, Impulse, turning impulse, Pressure, Density, Newton’s Laws, Bernoulli’s laws
- Electrics: Kirchhoff’s laws, Capacity, Resistance, Direct Current, Alternative Current
Theoretical training
The modular ATPL/H course only consists of theoretical training. Training is a combination of classroom studies and Web Based Training. The curriculum has 13 theoretical subjects, which have to be completed within 18 months
- 010 – Air Law
- 021 – Aircraft General Knowledge (System & Powerplant)
- 022 – Aircraft General Knowledge (Instrumentation)
- 031 – Mass & Balance
- 033 – Flight planning and monitoring
- 034 – Performance
- 040 – Human Performance
- 050 – Meteorology
- 061 – General Navigation
- 062 – Radio Navigation
- 071 – Operational Procedures
- 082 – Principles of Flight
- 091 – VFR Communication
- 092 – IFR Communication
Minimum amount of lessons:
- Holders of a PPL/H: 500 h Web based training/50 h classroom studies of school
- Holders of a CPL/H: 270 h Web base training/30 h classroom studies at school
- Holders of a PPL/H: 590 h Web based training/60 h classroom studies at school
- Holders of a CPL/H: 360 h Web based training/40 h classroom studies at school
- Holders of an IR: 450 h Web based training/50 h classroom studies at school
- Holders of a CPL/IR: 225 h Web based training/25 h classroom studies at school
Detailed hour plans can be requested under
Previous knowledge
Pilots holding an ATPL/A can attend an ATPL/H “Bridge Course”
Applications for the “Bridge Course” have to complete exams in the following subjects to prove theoretical knowledge:
- 021 Aircraft General Knowledge (System & Power plant)
- 022 Aircraft General Knowledge (Instrumentation)
- 034 Performance
- 071 Operational Procedures
- 082 Principles of flight
Applications for an ATPL/H VFR, who already completed the theoretical exams for a CPL/H successfully, will be credited the following subjects:
- 010 Air law
- 082 Principles of flight
- 091 VFR Communication
Applicants for an ATPL/H with IR/H, who already completed the theoretical exams for a CPL/H successfully, will be credited the following subjects:
- 082 Principles of flight
- 091 VFR communications
Applications of the Austrian Air Force for an ATPL/H VFR/IFR that hold a military pilots license for helicopters and conducted their training according to MLPV 1968 (all military helicopter pilots up to and including Flight Group 49), but not according to the Part-FCL curriculum, have to complete a “MIL-Bridge Examination ATPL”, which incorporates a “Gap Training & Gap Examinations respectively Full Examinations acc. Part-FCL”.
In a personal conversation we can discuss your individual previous knowledge and inform you about the extent of hours and subjects taken into account. These elements of PPL/A, CPL/A and ATPL/A will be deducted from the price after confirmation!
Practical requirements for ATPL/H
To issue an APTL/H, the applicant has to, according to EASA Part FCL. 510.H, hold a CPL/H, a Multi Pilot Helicopter type rating and complete a MCC course.
According to EASA Part. FCL.510.H., the following listed and required aeronautical experience has to be proven:
The applicant for an ATPL/H has to prove a minimum of 1000 hours as a pilot flying helicopters.
From these 1000 hours, about 100 hours can be flown in an STD, if using an FNPT, only 25 hours can be credited. The total time has to consist of at least:
- 350 hours in helicopters requiring 2 pilots
- 250 hours either as Pilot in command, or a minimum of 100 hours as pilot in command and 150 hours as co-pilot, which has to execute tasks and activities of the pilot in command under his supervision, only if the type of supervision is enough according to the responsible Authorities, or;
- 250 hours as a co-pilot in helicopters requiring 2 pilots, which has to execute tasks and activities of the pilot in command under his supervision, only if the type of supervision is enough according to the responsible authorities and the rights of the ATPL are restricted to operation requiring 2 pilots until 100 hours of pilot in command are completed.
- 200 hours Cross Country flight, of which a minimum of 100 hours have to be completed as pilot in command or co-pilot, which has to execute tasks and activities of the pilot in command under his supervision, only if the type of supervision is enough according to the responsible Authorities
- 30 hours of instrument time, with a maximum of 10 hours instrument ground time, and
- 100 hours of night flying as pilot in command or co-pilot
- For IR/H : for issuance of an IR/H, the applicant has to meet and prove the requirements and flight training according to Part-FCL, Subpart G.
Price on request
EUR 4.990,-
incl. VAT.
for theoretical training ATPL/H VFR
EUR 5.990,-
incl. VAT.
for theoretical training ATPL/H IFR
We are happy to inform you personally about the training. Call us or send us a message.
Hotline: +43 2732 70309
RotorSky GmbH
Flughafenstraße 1
4063 Hörsching, AT
Phone: +43 2732 70309
Linz • Krems • Emden • Portland