Type Rating
Type Rating
We offer type ratings on the following types of helicopters:
- R22 Piston Engine (Single Engine Piston), SEP > 1 Piston Engine
- R44 Piston Engine (Single Engine Piston), SEP > 1 Piston Engine
- Sikorsky S300 (Single Engine Piston), SEP > 1 Piston Engine
- Bell 204B (Single Engine Turbine), SET > 1 Turbine Engine
- Bell 206 (Single Engine Turbine), SET > 1 Turbine Engine
- EC 120 (Single Engine Turbine), SET > 1 Turbine Engine
- AS 350 BA (Single Engine Turbine), SET > 1 Turbine Engine
- BK117 (Multi Engine Turbine), MET > 2 Turbine Engines
- AW139 (Multi Engine Turbine), MET > 2 Turbine Engines
- AW169 (Multi Engine Turbine), MET > 2 Turbine Engines
- SK76B (Multi Engine Turbine), MET > 2 Turbine Engines
After issuance of a PPL/H, you are only allowed to fly the type of aircraft you completed your training with.
The authorization of a pilot’s license, like a PPL/H, is limited to the training type of the machine.
This type is entered on the license by the authorities. For an advanced authorization a type specific training is necessary. This training is focused on characteristics, technical differences and handling in flight of the specific model of aircraft. Theoretical elements of basic training are not discussed again.
- For a “SEP”-Rating: valid PPL/H or CPL/H minimum 5 hours of flight time
- For a “SET”-Rating: valid PPL/H or CPL/H minimum 5 hours of flight time
- For a “MET”-Rating:
> Holders of a PPL/H: 48 hours of basic knowledge for helicopters with 2 engines (only for initial issue of a MET-rating)
> Holders of a CPL/H: 24 hours of basic knowledge for helicopters with 2 engines (only for initial issue of a MET-rating)
> Minimum 8 hours of flight time
> Minimum 70 hours as pilot in command of helicopters
Outline of a course to obtain a type rating according Part-FCL: Theoretical training > final exam >Cockpit Training > flight training > practical test
Theoretical training
- Construction, Gearbox, Rotors, Equipment of the helicopter, normal operation of systems and malfunctions
- Operating limitations
- Performance, flight planning, flight monitoring
- Loading, Center of gravity
- Emergency procedures
- A. (special requirements to extend a type rating using Instrument approaches with decision heights less than 60 m (200 ft))
- Special requirements for helicopters with glass cockpit and Electronic Flight instrumental systems (EFIS)
- Additional equipment
The duration of the theoretical training varies with complexity of the helicopter. Differing between type and engine the course takes between 15 and 40 hours.
Practical training
- For a SEP-Rating: min. 5 hours
- For a SET-Rating: min. 5 hours
- For a MET-Rating: min. 8 hours
Consisting of:
- Introduction flight, to get used to the machine and normal procedures
- Normal procedures and Emergency Procedures
- Introduction to instrument flying
Training minimums of practical flight training with pervious knowledge:
- SEP(H) to SEP(H) 1): 2 hours *)
- SEP(H) to SET(H): 5 hours
- SET(H) to SET(h): 2 hours
- MET(H) to MET(H): 3 hours
- Differential training for single engine as wed as multi engine: 1 hour
*) only possible using really similar helicopter types
Price on request

We are happy to inform you personally about the training. Call us or send us a message.
Hotline: +43 2732 70309
E-Mail: fly@rotorsky.at.

RotorSky GmbH
Flughafenstraße 1
4063 Hörsching, AT
Phone: +43 2732 70309
E-mail: fly@rotorsky.at
Linz • Krems • Emden • Portland